Sermon Transcripts
Note: The transcripts on this page were automatically generated from sermon audio and are in spoken-word format. They have been reviewed and edited, but may still contain some grammatical errors.

Why Do We Need A Church Family?
Jacob Walker
03/16/25 Sermon Transcripts

The Problem of Isaac's Faith
Kenny Moorer
03/09/25 Sermon Transcripts

Be Careful
Kenny Moorer
03/02/25 Sermon Transcripts

The Importance of the Church: Part 2
Kenny Moorer
02/23/25 Sermon Transcripts

The Importance of the Church: Part 1
Kenny Moorer
02/16/25 Sermon Transcripts

Having The Mind of Christ
Kenny Moorer
02/16/25 Sermon Transcripts

War of Spirit and Flesh
Kenny Moorer
02/02/25 Sermon Transcripts

The Bottom Line Part 2: Final Lessons from a Wise Man
Kenny Moorer
01/26/25 Sermon Transcripts

The Bottom Line Part 1: Final Lessons from a Wise Man
Kenny Moorer
01/19/25 Sermon Transcripts

Attitudes and the Christian
Mike Tatum
01/05/25 Sermon Transcripts

When God Gives More Grace
Kenny Moorer
12/29/24 Sermon Transcripts

Even The Little Dogs
Kenny Moorer
12/22/24 Sermon Transcripts

Making A Good Marriage Great
Kenny Moorer
12/15/24 Sermon Transcripts

Evidence, Will, Authority
Kenny Moorer
12/08/24 Sermon Transcripts

How Does God Comfort His People?
Kenny Moorer
12/01/24 Sermon Transcripts

Finding True Peace
Rob Hibbett
11/24/24 Sermon Transcripts

What Does God Want From Me?
Kenny Moorer
11/17/24 Sermon Transcripts

Be Transformed: A Few More Thoughts
Kenny Moorer
11/10/24 Sermon Transcripts

Successful Transformation
Tom Kinzel
11/03/24 Sermon Transcripts

Stalled Transformation
Tom Kinzel
11/03/24 Sermon Transcripts

Evidence of Transformation
Tom Kinzel
11/02/24 Sermon Transcripts

Transformation: What Is It?
Tom Kinzel
11/02/24 Sermon Transcripts

A Scribe and a Lesson
Kenny Moorer
10/27/24 Sermon Transcripts

An Expectation of God
Kenny Moorer
10/20/24 Sermon Transcripts

Marriage From The Get Go
Kenny Moorer
10/13/24 Sermon Transcripts