Sermon Transcripts

Sermon Transcripts

A Man Of Unclean Lips

A Man Of Unclean Lips

Brother examined Isaiah's prophecies against Israel and his call to holiness. Isaiah warned of God's coming judgment against Israel for abandoning him and failing to produce good fruit. Isaiah pronounced seven "woes" against the greedy, drunkards, and unjust in Israel. However, when Isaiah saw a vision of God's holiness and glory, he was led to declare "Woe is me" and realize his own sinfulness, showing that even prophets must acknowledge their imperfection before a holy God. But Isaiah was given hope when God atoned for his sin through a burning coal, pointing to salvation through sacrifice. Just as Isaiah's guilt was removed, God offers forgiveness to all who rely on his provision of atonement in Jesus. Christians are called to holiness through baptism into Christ, dwelling in him through righteous living no matter the cost.

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