Sermon Transcripts
What About the Eternal Destiny of People Who Have Never Heard About Jesus?
Brother May addressed the question of whether people who have never heard the gospel are lost. He focused on four major biblical points to support his perspective on this issue. First, according to Romans 3:23, everyone of accountable age is guilty of sin against God, making them lost due to sin rather than any lack of exposure to the gospel message. Second, no one is saved apart from faith in Jesus and obedience to the gospel. Salvation only comes through believing in and following Christ. Third, God's existence and attributes are evident for all people through creation. He also noted Gentiles had an innate understanding of right and wrong based on Romans 2. Finally, seeking God leads to further knowledge and that individuals must respond to and act upon the light and knowledge they have received based on their understanding of scripture. The Gospel is the solution and sin is the problem.
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